Leading A Movement: Boycott Olympic In China And Save Tibet
Mahatama Gandhi Tibet Freedom Movement's Founder and convener Dr. Mahesh Yadav and G. Sec. S. Sukhvinder Singh appeal to World community and Politicians and Olympic Players to Boycott 2008's Olympics due to Beijing. And the Dr. Mehash Yadav and .Sukhvinder Singh are distributing written material and aware of thousands of Indian people for Tibet cause.
Olympics is a symbol of World Peace, hourmeny & Brotherhood, but China is a Country where Democracy does not exist and Freedom too. Therefor China does not deserve Olympic Games because it is a Dictator, Killer of Tibetans, Killer of Freedom, Killer of Democracy,Kidnapper of Panchan Lama, killer of International Law, Killer of Human Rights, Killer of Environment, Killer of World Peace, Killer of Humanity and Killer of Indian Faith.
The Organization appeal to everyone to read the attachment poster and send appeal to International Olympic Committee to Cancel the Beijing Olympic in 2008.